Questionnaire form of philosophers:
Does philosophy have something to say for people of the “straight heart”?
(Jan Krasicki, Maria Kostyszak, Adam Chmielewski) 7
Dobrochna Dembińska
My brief history of ancient philosophy (III) 27
Ramiro Antonio López Montoya
The reception of Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school in Tertullian
(second part) 53
Juan Pablo Martínez
Duty, self-love, pain: hermeneutical keys of an anthropological ethics
(second part) 75
Mirosław Pawliszyn CSsR
Home as a place of manifestation of existance. A thought collected
in eleven comments 101
Piotr Duchliński
Analysis of the formative contexts of aporetic knowledge 117
Paweł Sokołowski
Origins and development of scientific naturalism in thought
of David Ray Griffin 149
Fr. Karol Jasiński
The natural and humanistic vision of man according to Charles Taylor 171
Grzegorz Mazur CSsR
The knowledge as directing the man at the absolute sphere
in the Max Scheler presentation 187
Michał Janocha
Paradigms of chaos 203
Fr. Roman Krawczyk
Song of Zechariah (Luke 1:68–79) 215
Ryszard Hajduk CSsR
Weaknesses or strengths of today’s Catholicism? Critical remarks
to critique of the Church 231
Andrzej Makowski CSsR
The New Evangelization in the postmodern and media culture 247
Roman Kordoński
The persecution of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in the opinion
of the inhabitants of Pokuttia in the Western Ukraine 261
Fr. Piotr Duksa
The role and aim of lay persons in a modern parish 273
Barbara Rozen
Consecrated life of laymen – paradox or wonder? 279
Szczepan T. Praśkiewicz OCD
Marian elements of the decor of the carmelite’s Immaculate Conception
church in Krakow 295
Fr. Jan Wiśniewski
450th anniversary of the Council Trent (1545–1563) 309
Piotr Bączek
Working out by the security service of the communist Poland Primate
Stefan Wyszyński and Father Marian Pirożyński on the example
of a secret collaborator known as “Ptaszyńska” 317
Olga Pushchak
The life and ministry of blessed bishop Mykolay Charnetskyy, C.Ss.R.
(1884–1959) 337
Fr. Marek Jodkowski
Catholic parish in Tylża in the 19th century 357
Marek Saj CSsR
The Church’s pastoral care of patrimony of institutes of consecrated life
and societies of apostolic life 375
Fr. Ginter Dzierżon
The formative phase of singular decrees (can. 50 CIC) in the canonical
legal order 391
Karol Świergosz
The outfit of diocesan priests in particular canon law regulations
of the Archdiocese of Poznan since 1867 until 2008 399
Małgorzata Koterba
Proofs acquired illicitly in processes declaring the nullity of marriage 411
Fr. Marcin Czujek
Children’s rights in the context of marital responsibilities.
The canonical and civil look 427
Anna Zellma
Education of teachers of family life education – the Polish context 445
Jolanta Łodzińska
The family planning in the awareness of UKSW students in Warsaw 457
Anna Lachowska
The tournament of knights in the 15th century Poland 475
Philip Ogo Ujomu
Governance deficits and national and human security in Nigeria:
Philosophical reflections on corruption, marginality and social order 489
Felix O. Olatunji, Amaechi Udefi
Indigenous knowledge contra economism and the imperative
of contemporary discourse of Africa’s development 511
Paul Kehinde Michael
Youth crisis and the quest for social order through the career talent pathway,
Nigeria’s problem of political obligation: A philosophical reflection 523
Jerzy Kotkowski
Report of an all-Polish scientific conference “Synod against the family?
The whole truth about the Catholic orthodoxy”, Poznań,
26–27 of May 2015 541
Mateusz Tubisz
Report of the conference “Law on teaching at the Church”, Olsztyn,
26 of February 2015 551