Contents 2016
Contents |
Philosophy |
Questionnaire form of philosophers: Does philosophy have something to say for people of the “straight heart”? |
7 |
Krzysztof Bochenek |
8 |
Romana Kolarzowa |
16 |
Artur Mordka |
19 |
Andrzej L. Zachariasz |
28 |
Dobrochna Dembińska |
My brief history of ancient philosophy (IV) |
41 |
Juan Pablo Martínez |
Eros and agape in the light of suffering |
67 |
Ryszard A. Podgórski |
Auguste Comte’s “first philosophy” in Barbara Skarga’s reception |
83 |
Agnieszka Biegalska |
On God’s power. Luis de Molina and Domingo Bañez |
93 |
Marek Raczkiewicz CSsR |
About the question of identity of Hippolytus |
103 |
Mirosław Pawliszyn CSsR |
Home as a microcosm |
135 |
Piotr Koprowski |
Ignacy Radliński towards the idea of intellectual and moral progress |
147 |
Theology |
Vimal Tirimanna CSsR |
Can theologizing be equated to a mere repetition of magisterial teachings? |
161 |
Fr Przemysław Nowak |
An outline on penance teaching of Saint Augustine |
175 |
Fr Krzysztof Szwarc |
The sacrament of marriange as the source of grace. An attempt of an explanation with Karl Rahner’s and Bernard Lonergan’s help |
193 |
Ryszard Hajduk CSsR |
The need for pre-evangelisation at the present time |
209 |
Fr Nikos Skuras |
Trinitarian mission, the source of the Church’s mission (Ac 10) |
229 |
Fr Marcin Dąbrowski |
Causes of the Vatican Council II |
241 |
Fr Tomasz Szałanda |
Preaching in the face of the “acquitted” devil |
267 |
Fr Roman Krawczyk |
Origin and forms of Christian charity in Europe |
281 |
Antoni Karaś CSsR |
The permanency of Church’s teaching on morality of the marriage act according Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia |
295 |
Dariusz Pabiś CSsR |
Oscar Romero as a “sign of contradiction”. Between conflict and search for unity in the Episcopal Conference of El Salwador |
315 |
Magdalena Lipińska |
Dimensions of jealousy in the theological and moral perspective |
333 |
Fr Marek Kluz |
The formation of patriotic attitude in the teaching of Jerzy Ablewicz the Bishop of Tarnów (1962–1990) |
357 |
Magdalena Skolimowska |
The universal call to holiness based on conciliar teaching of the Church and post-conciliar apostolic exhortations |
375 |
Law |
Fr Piotr Kroczek |
Does the Church legislator need to know non-Christian religions? |
389 |
Rafał Kamiński CSMA |
The delict of blasphemy made by the means of social communication in the light of can. 1369 of the Code of Canon Law from 1983 |
399 |
Anna Słowikowska |
The sacrament of baptism of an infant and can. 843 § 1 of 1983 Code of Canon Law |
413 |
Zuzanna Maj |
Process about declaration of nullity of marriage in the light of Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus |
431 |
Wojciech Necel SChr |
A newcomer – a refugee and an exile as a sacrament of Christ |
443 |
Fr Marek Stępień |
The transparency and restrictions on activities of the Polish Episcopal Conference |
455 |
Fr Adam Stefan Ornatek |
Influence of the general state laws for the Prussian States on the foundation and the realization of the apostolic constitution of the pope Pius VI Saepe factum est from 16 March 1799 |
481 |
History |
Janusz Adam Frykowski |
The history of the Uniate Deanery of Tyszowce. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Wakijow in the 18th century |
497 |
Fr Bogdan Stanaszek |
Saint Leonard Church in Klecie at the turn of the 18th and 19th century. The decline of a medieval sanctuary |
523 |
Fr Marek Jodkowski |
Catholic mission parish in Insterburg in the religious conflict period (1872–1887) |
533 |
Varia |
Anna Zellma |
Principle of regularity in educational efforts for family life teachers |
551 |
Fr Marek Filipczuk |
Moral upbringing as the strategic aim of the educational system |
563 |
Fr Piotr Duksa |
How to pass on faith to young people nowadays? |
589 |
Fr Karol Jasiński |
Freedom and the common good in a democracy |
603 |